Semitic Tribes is committed to uniting all Jews together, embracing our collective identity, culture, heritage, history, and purpose. To define that illusive definition of what a Jewish person is in the 21st century, connecting our past, present, and future Rediscovering our spiritual identity through the prism of a sudra All Semitic people in that part of the world, both Jews and Arabs alike, were wearing keffiyehs, and a keffiyeh is a Jewish, as it is Arabic. And that is when I decided to make a Jewish version of the keffiyeh.
As a designer and an observant Jew, I could not reconcile the connection to this article of clothing with the images of angry, knife-wielding terrorists that were fighting to exterminate my people. On my flight back to the States, those conflicting images were stuck in my mind until one day, as I was reading the Torah, Avraham was sitting in his tent waiting for the guest to come, and I suddenly realized that since Avraham was a shepherd and in the Middle East everyone wore a version of a keffiyeh,
In 2009, with the help of my friend Erez Safar, we launched what was called an Israeli Keffiyeh to much acclaim, but that name never sat well with me, and it wasn't until I came across something named Sudra in a tractate of Talmud that I was learning that everything fell into place. Now, more than 10 years later, and thousands of sudras sold all over the world, I am just as passionate about it today as I was when I had the idea. Admittedly, I was attracted to this ancient scarf, with its different colors, textures and patterns, for a moment
Madrid, 2007 I was walking through the streets early in the morning, waiting for my layover flight to Israel. I was immediately struck by the number of people wearing Arabic keffiyehs on their daily commute. Admittedly, I was attracted to this ancient scarf, with its different colors, textures, and patterns. For a moment, I remember thinking, Maybe I should get one; they look pretty cool, and then it hit me. Wait, I can’t get it. I’m Jewish, and we don’t wear keffiyehs. People who try to kill Jews do. As I arrived in Israel, I could not shake this feeling of connection to this garment, and while walking around the old city of Jerusalem, I stumbled upon a protest of young Jewish kids. Though I could not read their signs or make out what they were saying, I noticed that some of them were wearing keffiyehs, which blew my mind. Why in the world would they wear it?